Understanding Types of Clustering in Data Analysis

Clustering is an important part of the unsupervised machine learning model, utilized for grouping data points based on similarities or patterns. Clustering involves grouping; these groups or clusters are subsets of data points containing data that is similar, and needed in data exploration, customer segmentation, and anomaly detection. Different kinds of clustering techniques are available each being appropriate for a given set of data and objectives. Studying such types will show how different methods of sorting information exist as well as how the data is classified.

1. Centroid-Based Clustering

Centroid-based clustering belongs to the simplest and most broadly used classes of clustering techniques. In this technique, clusters are represented by the point known as centroid which in fact is the mean point of a group of points meeting the criteria for that particular cluster. The partition in the clusters means that any data point is allocated to the nearest centroid and the overall objective in this case is to ensure that the distance between the data points and the centroid is minimized.

K-Medoids Clustering: K-medoids is similar to K-means but it chooses real data points for the formation of its centroids which hence makes it less sensitive to noise and outliers. It is, unlike K-means, not designed to minimize the Euclidean distance, but a dissimilarity measure between data points and the medoids. This approach is, however, computationally more expensive as compared to the previous one but offers better performance in some cases.

2. Density-Based Clustering

Density-based clustering is centered on finding areas within the data space that contain many points. Clusters are formed depending on the density of the points in the given area and areas, which are represented by one or two points, are viewed as noise areas.

DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise): Overview, DBSCAN is an effective density-based clustering technique that is capable of identifying clusters of any form. It defines the key points with the minimum number of neighbors within a given radius and develops clusters based on such key points. It does not need the number of clusters to be defined and is a good algorithm at spotting outliers.

OPTICS (Ordering Points to Identify the Clustering Structure): Similar to DBSCAN, OPTICS also belongs to density-based algorithms, but in addition, it extends some of the drawbacks of the above-mentioned algorithm, where the choice of radius and minimum points is very sensitive. It provides a reachability plot which may be utilized to depict the cluster configuration. This shows that OPTICS is well suited for data that may have varying density and it is also capable of identifying Hierarchical Clusters.

3. Hierarchical Clustering

Hierarchical clustering is a technique of constructing clusters in such a manner that they appear in a tree-like structure and it can either be agglomerative or divisive. This does not invoke the need to predetermine the number of clusters to form making it suitable for different types of data.

Agglomerative Clustering: This bottom-up approach begins the process by assuming that each data point is a cluster and then successively merges the two most similar clusters. The process goes on until there is only one cluster comprising all the data obtained. It is usually represented through a dendrogram in which clusters may be partitioned at different levels to derive several required clusters.

Divisive Clustering: Unlike agglomerative clustering, the divisive clustering approach first takes the whole set of data points and divides them into more and more fine-grained subgroups. This is more computationally intensive than the former but can sometimes be more insightful as it relies on merging close clusters.

4. Distribution-Based Clustering

Distribution-based clustering is a technique where clusters are formed after assuming that points belong to different distributions. As a result, the model assumes that the given dataset is a combination of several distributions and the model works to estimate the parameters of each of them.


All the type of clustering techniques have their advantages and limitations and one has to choose the technique based on the type of data and the expected result. Centroid-based clustering is characterized by simplicity and speed, whereas density-based methods demonstrate significant performance when it comes to noise and arbitrary shapes. Some of the merits of the approaches that have been discussed include; The hierarchical approaches offer the ability to take many levels in the cluster while the distribution-based models give probabilistic probabilities. Identifying the peculiarities of these methods lets us use them more effectively while analyzing and producing valuable conclusions.